Thursday, December 8, 2016

A New Prism Location

We've added a prism for your convenience
 on #10 Bobcat to get the distance to the water.  Good luck.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Welcome Back

Welcome to the Golf Course Maintenance Blog.  I will update you on goings on around the courses…

We hope you have had a good summer, whether you stayed at home or travelled. Fall is here and Season is just around the corner, which brings good news in many respects:

Your Golf Course Maintenance Department has been very busy getting the course ready. Trimming trees, drainage, insect control and doing rain dances... (dances do work!)

received much needed rain...
transplanted a few palms #6 Bobcat

remove bird baths #10 Bobcat cart path

We are also addressed the issues of Mole Cricket damage on the courses...

On behalf of the entire GCM Management Team and Staff, we look forward to seeing you very soon around the courses and to making this season a very memorable one for you and your families.